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Skateboard Park Demo - 2008

Wednesday June 18th
In the continuing saga of Ironwood's proposed skateboard park, today might be viewed as a step forward. American Ramp Company from Missouri brought a sampling of their equipment for a try out. Although a good number of kids turned out for the event only a few tried out the ramps. Most kids showed up without the required parent liability release.
American Ramp if chosen as the vendor for the park will match one of the grants already awarded for the park. So far the kids have held fund raisers and two grants have been received.

The only problem is the city has failed to produce one cent of the money it has promised for the park. The city is waiting for the revenues it expects to receive from the proposed  100% Tax Abated Hovey Low-Income Housing Project . It might interest our readers to know that the skate park is on the city improvement plan as a low priority "3" and the Library renovation plan that was just rejected by taxpayers in a 2-1 landslide vote, has been put back in the city improvement plan as a high priority "1".  Perhaps we should ask American Ramp Company to design some ramps disguised as "BOOKS" that way we may finally get a skateboard park.