The Chassell Strawberry Festival & Parade

Chassell MI  July 12, 2008
It was a beautiful sunny day,  a perfect  day for a Parade and an equally fine day for a festival. They all came together Saturday  when the sun shown down in Chassell  and the Strawberry Festival and parade took place.  Thousands of residents and visitors lined the street to watch what may very well be the largest and longest parade in the Western U.P. The parade had it all, bands, floats, military, firemen and fire trucks, kids, animals, clowns, beauty contestants , antique and classic cars.

The fun didn't end with the parade, a strawberry festival  took place on the waterfront at Centennial  Park, where there vendors, games food and yes strawberries  and strawberry shortcake served up by the Lions Club.

The following photos are of the parade. Click to view photos of Strawberry Festival.

Above the Houghton Sheriff and Michigan's finest lead the way for VFW and VFW Auxiliary

There were Firemen & Fire Trucks

above the Chassell Volunteer Firemen and Fire Trucks

Hurontown Fire & Rescue sent this very slick truck

Hancock (above) and Hancock (below) were also represented

Strawberry Queen followed by the other contestants

13 girls competed for the title of "Strawberry Queen". Winning queen, Houghton senior Helen Richards

And there was Music!

The Chassell High School Band

A Jazz Band

An all Percussion Band

The Dollar Bay - Tamarack City Marching Band

Yes, there were clowns and babies, and where there are babies there is of course politicians.

Kids were well represented in the parade as well..

Lots of dogs in and at the parade. Surely, at least for Saturday Chassell was the Dog Capital of the Universe..

Antique and Classic Cars by the Score

Military Vehicles

(below)  caravan of retired military trucks driven by retired military personnel


(above)  float from Finnish Community   

(below) parade marcher hands out goodies to seniors on sidewalk

Statue of Liberty Closes out  the parade.