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City to Pursue Delinquent Taxes
BESSEMER - The Bessemer City Council has chosen to pursue delinquent personal property taxes, dating back to 2004. The County Treasurer, Sue Pertile has notified all interested agencies of the outstanding tax liabilities within the county.

Some agencies have chosen to write of the outstanding debt, however, Bessemer will be contacting the debtors seeking reimbursement. It appears that the city has outstanding taxes due amounting to approximately $10,000 net to the city, and have asked Attorney Korpela for guidance in the collection process. The largest debts emanate from just a few businesses within the community.

In other action the Council also approved wording on the sale of water to the Township of Ironwood. The agreement will include an annual increase when justified by increases in the CPI-W index. The contract with the GRWA is expected to become effective beginning in early November.