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Michigan Licensed Beverage Association is the latest organization to endorse Calumet-native Scott Dianda
CALUMET – Representing the greatest margin of profit for employers in the tourism industry, the Michigan Licensed Beverage Association is the latest organization to endorse Calumet-native Scott Dianda as he runs for the Michigan House of Representatives in the 110th District.

“This is a big industry in Michigan, especially in our area, and we need to make sure they are well represented,” Dianda said. “We need to make sure we keep the focus on attracting visitors to Michigan and serving the people already in Michigan.”

A lot of what the MLBA represents boils down to the livelihood of small businesses that are dotted throughout the 110th District. As a former small business owner, Dianda’s Party Store of Calumet, Dianda is familiar with issues surrounding small businesses.

This is the latest of more than two dozen endorsements Dianda has received during his campaign.

“These endorsements are important because they reflect the many aspects of my campaign,” Dianda said. “I’m not just a one faceted candidate; I’ll provide good representation for small businesses and everyone else – from mail carriers, to policemen, firefighters, teachers and nurses.”

Dianda has been endorsed by associations representing all those groups, including the Michigan Nurses Association, Michigan Township Association, Police Officers Association of Michigan, Michigan Professional Firefighters Union, County Road Association of Michigan Rural & Urban Streets and Highways and was also recommended by the National Rifle Association.

To see a full list of Dianda’s endorsements visit votedianda.com.