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The Committee to recall Rick Snyder is happy to announce a state-wide petition signing event to take place in each county within the state of Michigan on July 9th 2011.

The signing event will take place at most County Courthouses. Let it be noted though, some County Courthouses have low traffic during weekends and alternate locations will be available. Also some counties will combine their efforts for maximum efficacy. For detailed information on your county's signing event location, please go to www.firericksnyder.org.

Members of The Committee to recall Rick Snyder, a Political Action Committee formed out of concern for Governor Snyder’s dictatorial approach to addressing budget woes in Michigan, submitted a petition for the recall of Governor Rick Snyder to Lawrence Kestenbaum, the Washtenaw County Clerk/Register on Patriots’ Day, Monday, April 18, 2011. The petition was reviewed by the Washtenaw County Election Commission for clarity of the language and was approved by a 2-1 vote at the clarity hearing the morning of April 29, 2011. The Comitte has been gathering signatures from across the state since May 21. The 1.1 million signatures the group plans to gather will be submitted to the Michigan Department of State on or before the August 5, 2011 deadline to appear on the November ballot. The Committee to recall Rick Snyder is a grassroots effort of concerned citizens from across the Upper and Lower Peninsulas of Michigan. CRRS members believe that Snyder’s early performance proves he is not qualified to lead Michigan. Some of the offending actions include:

* The Emergency Financial Manager Bill (officially known as the Local Government And School District Fiscal Accountability Act, Act 4 of 2011), which was signed into law by Governor Snyder on March 16, 2011. New provisions give the governor sweeping and unilateral authority to declare a “financial emergency” in towns or school districts and appoint an emergency financial manager (EFM). The EFM is given broad new powers to nullify contracts; dismiss elected and appointed officials, committees, boards, and authorities; eliminate or redistrict entire cities or schools; take and sell public and private land; hire private security forces; and eliminate services.
* The Proposed 2011-12 budget which gives a $1.8 billion dollar tax break to corporations and raises taxes by up $1.7 billion on retired people and working poor, without addressing the budget deficit. It takes money from the K-12 educational fund and reduces per-pupil funding levels to local districts; reduces funding to universities and colleges. It reduces essential services for the sick, the poor, and the elderly, and slashes funding for local governments.
* The cuts to local governments and schools, in turn, threaten the financial solvency of those entities, making more of them targets for hostile takeover by the state.
* While Governor Snyder talks about shared sacrifice, it appears the sacrifice is shared by the lower 98% of income-earning citizens of Michigan, while the upper 2% and corporations reap new benefits.

Recall information is available at www.firericksnyder.org or on Facebook Recall Governor Rick Snyder. It is also available on twitter at http://www.twitter.com/firericksnyder.


Polar Bear Cookbook

Thank you to everyone who submitted recipes for the Polar Bear Hockey Cookbook. The cookbooks are now available. The cost for the cookbooks are $10.00 so make sure to grab one for yourself and maybe one or two as a gift. They can be purchased at the Pat O'Donnel Civic Center concession stand or by contacting Kerry Roehm or Micki Sorensen.




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