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GRWA, Ironwood Township
Reiceive Record Stimulus Package

Snow Country Low Bidder on Township Project

Ramsay - July 17, 2009

The Gogebic Range Water Authority received good news. It will be the recipient of nearly 11 million dollars of American Recovery Act Funding.  The money will mostly go to paying off prior debt of the Authority. It is believed that the funding package is the highest single  funding award by the ARA to date.  The U.P. has been one of the largest recipients of stimulus money in the entire country (ed. note - we know, it's about time!)

The package also includes funds for the Ironwood Township Lake Road Water Project and the sinking of a new well field in the township.




Township Takes Swift Action
on Blight Issues

Ironwood Township - July 15, 2009

 The Township Board of Trustees take  blight issues very seriously. The board members take quick and decisive action on blight complaints. When a complaint is filed, the Blight committee goes,  inspects the situation, and determines if in fact a blight situation exists. The committee is made up of Township Supervisor Kim Mattson, Treasurer Jyl Olson, and Building Inspector, Butch Saari.

Depending on the situation, contact is made with the owner of the blighted property describing the blight violation and what is required to remedy the situation and clear the violation. Citations are issued swiftly and fines are added to the taxes.

Recently, a complaint was filed against a property on Margaret Street. After the inspection it was concluded that a blight condition did exist and a letter was sent out to the owners of the property. Since there was no response from the owners, David Janov and Carolyn Janov, the item was sent to the township attorney for final disposition.

Another complaint earlier this year was handled by the committee without the need of legal handling, see following photos.
above - property at time of Blight complaint
above  - property after Blight Committee requested cleanup

Pisani says "Hasta La Vista"

Ironwood - July 15, 2009

Local business man Jerry Pisani called it quits in his endeavor to start another business in Ironwood. Two years have  past since former Community Development Director, suggested the controversial property located at Ayer and Bonnie.

At Monday's City Commission meeting Jerry said enough is enough. He presented a letter to the council stating his viewpoint. He also gave a copy to IronwoodInfo.
Click to read the entire letter...

During the last year Pisani kept getting assurances from the city that the conclusion was in sight. Pisani feels that there were too many people who were using their positions on various commissions for self serving  purposes.

At the heart of of the problem was the fact that this property sat on the very edge of the 420 acres coveted by the trail people. They feel that the 4 acres are vital to their trail system

Coincidentally, last week both the silent sport people and motorized sports riders met with the city manager. All sides have moved much closer to a compromise. One thing still outstanding is the Ayer Street corridor which many people want to rezone commercial and/or  light industrial.

Ironic that a city financially devastated, with even darker days ahead, can turn its back so easily on economic development of tax paying businesses and  yet support a boondoggle (Hovey) that would  neither pay taxes nor create jobs. Conversely, its interesting to note that some opponents of the Hovey project  point to the tax abatement issue, yet support keeping tax producing businesses off the same street.

Photo courtesy of Superior Chronicle


Township To Co-op Energy Savings Program With GCC

Ironwood Township - July 14, 2009

The Ironwood Township Board met in regular session Monday afternoon. A large group of citizens were on hand to hear several presentations and agenda items. Speaking to the audience was Tim Ovani representing the Technical Energy Performance Group

First to speak to the board was Tim Olavani, representative for Technical Energy Performance Group. TEPG is headquarted in Byron Center, just south of Grand Rapids. Tim works out of the Escanaba branch office.

TEPG is an Energy Conservation Performance Contractor. The company reps recently did a walk through inspection of the Gogebic Community College facilities and identified some energy conservation opportunities that could be acted upon by the school administration.


A comprehensive plan was put together and presented to the college board and administration. The board and administration accepted the plan and want to go forward with the project, which includes upgrading wiring, water, heating and other energy consuming items.

It is estimated that the project will cost $1,046,000. TEPG being a performance contractor must guarantee the state that, the improvements will pay for cost of measures within ten years, the amount of time the project will financed. The contractor is on the hook if the the savings don't pay back in ten years.

The Technical Energy is hoping to receive a $500,000 grant through the American Recovery Act. They are also seeking state grants and incentive money from utility companies. GCC will be going forward with this project with or without the stimulus money.
The benefits of the programs of course the $100,000 per year savings in energy cost to the college. Also, the work will be sub-contracted out to local contractors and vendors. A positive cash infusion into the local economy.

The program is required to go through a municipality such as the township. Schools and colleges cannot apply as such. Therefore the township is going to be the administrative arm of the project. There is a significant administrative fee that will go to the township for its role in the conservation project.

Next week, Town Supervisor, Kim Mattson will be attending a meeting in Escanaba that is being held by the State Energy Office.

Brad and Tauna Tie the Knot

Ewen  - July 14, 2009
Family and friends came to Ewen to celebrate the marriage of Tauna Everest  and Brad Happner at the United Methodist Church. A guest reflected that a church marriage is a rarer event these days.
Tauna and Brad greet all their friends and family in the reception line following the ceremony performed by Rev. Ted Trudgeon, pastor of the church, on Cedar Street.
Following the church service, a reception was held at the McMillan Township Centennial Hall.

Congratulations Tauna and Brad!  is a Michigan, Non-Profit Media Corporation


snail mail: P.O. Box 305 Ironwood, MI 49938